Feeding Tube Attachment Device (FTAD)

The feeding tube attachment device from Hollister provides an easy-to-use alternative to tape for securing tubes and drains. It features a FlexWear™ skin barrier to help protect the skin and an adjustable clamping mechanism to allow for easy tube positioning and better access for site care.


  • Secures nasogastric/nasointestinal tubes (5–18 Fr)
  • Butterfly-shaped skin barrier conforms to patient's nose
  • Swivel clamp helps eliminate pressure on the nares
  • Not made with natural rubber latex

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Sale of this device is restricted to Australia and New Zealand hospitals / licensed healthcare practitioners. Contact your Hollister Territory Manager for an In-service or product information.
Prior to using any of the products referenced, be sure to read the entire Instructions for Use package insert supplied with each product for device Intended Use, Description, Contraindications, Warnings, Precautions, Adverse Events and Instructions for Use.